Leslie Scott-Lysan 

Leslie Scott-Lysan draws inspiration from color and light, whether she is working en plein air outdoors or working in her studio painting architecture, city scenes, or abstract creations. Making art for her is about working alongside the Creator. Leslie’s work reflects her spirituality and the gratitude she feels when creating and while outdoors. Her work has appeared throughout New England at juried art association shows, national shows, and resort properties. Leslie works in oil paints, cold wax, acrylic paints, mixed media, and photography. Her latest adventures are in mixed media cold wax and oil paint abstracts. Many of her paintings are impressionistic en plein air creations created across New England with visible and luscious paintbrush and paint-knife strokes.

Leslie’s numerous awards, exhibits, and recognitions include her recent 32-painting solo show at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Other awards and national recognitions include: 

• North Shore Arts Association Janice Turner Memorial Award for Excellence in Oil Painting, “Bridging the Merrimac,” 2022 Exhibit New England, in Gloucester, MA

• “Fort Point Channel Landmark: Boston Wharf Company” oil painting juried into the national 20th Frances N. Roddy Open Competition at Concord Art (MA) 

• Rockport Art Association and Museum (MA), 2023 National Juried Show, mixed media painting “Winter Woods: First Snow” 

Leslie’s paintings have hung in many other juried art shows, including those with Cambridge Art Association (MA), Newburyport Art Association (MA), Artist Group of Charlestown (MA), Reading Art Association (MA), North Shore Art Association (Gloucester, MA), New England Art Reach exhibit at Melrose-Wakefield Hospital (MA), Beebe estate shows (Melrose, MA), Lynnfield Arts (MA), Reading Art Association (MA), Wakefield Fine Art Exhibition and Arts Collaborative of Wakefield shows (MA). In association with the New Hampshire Plein Air group, her work hung in the “Nature’s Palette Exhibit” at the Wolfeboro Public Library (NH), Governor Wentworth Arts Council and has hung at the Bernerhoff Inn and Bartlett Inn, in Bartlett, NH; and the Red Jacket Mountain View Resort, in North Conway, NH.

A 2006 vacation to Monhegan Island, ME, spurred her return to “my art” after being away from it for over 30 years. The artists there inspired her to buy some watercolor pencils, paper, and brushes to sketch a rusted, white iron bucket of bright red geraniums at the Monhegan House. A few years later, she began painting classes with Wakefield, MA artist Mary Taggart. As she became more confident and adventurous, she branched out and painted with master pastel artist and national juried oil painter Aline Ordman, oil and acrylic painter Emily Passman, natural science illustrator and watercolor painter Sandy McDermott, contemporary nature painter Elizabeth Awalt, contemporary painter and colorist Martha Wakefield, digital photographer and printmaker Barbara Ford Doyle, painter Ron Krouk, encaustic and cold wax artist Debra Claffey, and cold wax artist Jane Henry Parsons.

Leslie’s lengthy career in marketing and public relations drew on her creativity as it involved writing and visual communications. She earned a BA in communications arts and sciences at Bridgewater State University and pursued master-level studies in marketing at Northeastern University and graphic design classes at Massachusetts College of Art. Leslie always surrounds herself with the arts. She loves music as a listener, concert goer, and singer, as well as theater performances and art museum visits. 

Available for commissions.

Web: www.lesliescott-lysan.com

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/scottlysanpainter  

Instagram: @lesliescottlysan_artist

Threads: @lesliescottlysan_artist